Just digress from the title a little bit, I know I have been neglecting this blog so badly I can hear it whining but it isn't really my fault. I am so busy and I need somemore to tell me the definition of tired because I was so tired I forgot.
Okay anyway, my holiday is COMPLETELY not a holiday at all. Absolutely not. And if you think I'm just exaggerating and making a big fuss out of a week when we got to go back for school, think again. I've got to travel allllllll the way to NTU every single weekday for my H3 Star Programme. Just like a 9 - 5 job. *gasp*
Seriously, I don't know what I got myself into.
Anyway, for all of you out there whose holidays are very free and relaxed, make your holidays more meaningful! Do your part for the Singapore Cancer Society by volunteering yourself as a volunteer (duh). Basically, all you have to do is to help sell some goods (I know my phrasing somehow makes it sound illegal, but rest assured, perfectly legal) like fruits and some really cute badges during the street sales. Well of course CIP hours are awarded accordingly.
Oh well, shall abandon my blog again for now. If you're interested in the CIP thingy I was talking about, check out
http://sunshineyourheart.blogspot.com. I'm the Finance Director okay! =)